There's good money in picking up other people's junk to have it recycled. In fact, the U.S. recycling facilities market is valued at $6.4 billion dollar industry in 2021. The industry's growth was forecasted to be at 3% until the current health crisis stymied growth last year.

If you plan to enter this market, there are a few ways to approach entering this market. First you could open a fully equipped recycling plant for between $20 – $30 million. But if you can't come up with that sort of scratch, not to worry. Another option is to operate more like a small junk removal business picks up unwanted appliances or other materials. You won't need anything more than a mid-size truck to open this type of business. As a sole proprietor you could be in business for around $30,000 with a used vehicle. If your goal is to recycle these products instead of disposing of materials at a junk yard, some consumers will feel better about working with your company.

If you're scrappy and like to tinker, you can often refurbish and recycle old appliances like freezers or workout equipment like treadmills and flip them for a small profit on websites like CraigsList or eBay. For the items you're not able to resell, you can deliver to a recycling center. More people than you might think will be more than happy to pay you to pick up their junk to be recycled.

If you're planning to become a recycling entrepreneur, we've come up with a number of recycling company name ideas you can use for any size of startup. You'll find a list of our suggestions organized by theme below.

  • Recycling Company Name Ideas
  • Funny Recycling Company Name Ideas
  • Recycling Center Name Ideas
  • E-Waste Company Name Ideas
  • Recycling Team Name Idea

Recycling Company Name Ideas

trash container

Reduce waste like this by recycling.

  • (Name)'s Recycling Facility
  • Optimal
  • Recycle Back
  • Wire Cycler
  • Roadline
  • SupplyMark
  • Recycli
  • The Recycling Chick
  • Techship
  • Promco
  • Better Planet Inc.
  • Recycling Everything
  • Reuse and Rewind
  • Future Foresight
  • Endless Container Corporation
  • Recycly
  • Recyclinglab
  • Refining
  • Product Pond
  • Ownergy
  • Reusines
  • Mendustry
  • PCycling
  • Recompany
  • Comrecycling
  • Enernox
  • Recyclings
  • Chemycals
  • Recyclers
  • The Happy Planet Recycling
  • Fertile Ozone
  • Sustainable Streams
  • Furm
  • Skrubber
  • Paperbord
  • Stokkholding
  • Reusable Appliance Co.
  • Amaritech
  • Agrocemical

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  • Global Warming Fighters
  • The Water Defenders
  • Peaceful Planet Junk Pickup
  • Mediumwave
  • Warehousemen
  • Hub Recycling Plant
  • recyclingOne
  • Recycling Run
  • Nation Agents
  • Rival Recycle
  • Salvage Squad
  • Minnesota Recycling Facility
  • Green Plains
  • Prime Area
  • Supply Sector
  • Efficient
  • Boston Green Team
  • Green Go Getters
  • Company Cycle Haulers

Funny Recycling Company Name Ideas


The importance of recycling is no joke.

  • Recycless
  • Recy Clingy
  • The Dumpster Dudes
  • Bad Ass Recyclers
  • Crap Recyclers
  • Recyclers for Plastic People
  • Wasted Company
  • Useless Recycling Co.
  • Thrashers
  • Run Garbage Run
  • The Garbage People
  • The Toasted Hippy
  • The Reusable People
  • The Garbage Company
  • Feeble-Minded Recyclers
  • The Trash Company
  • Recyclops
  • Congreenient
  • Trash Cash
  • Decyclers
  • Bottle Pirates
  • Pollutaholics
  • The Junk Punks
  • Drive-by Recycling
  • Floor Shoppers
  • Nostrilomitted
  • Joke Recyclers
  • E-Wasted
  • Technocracy
  • White Trash
  • Bin-Diving
  • TrashSwap
  • Junkman
  • Modern Trash Men
  • Trade Me
  • Just Garbage
  • Restless Humans
  • Recycle Oracle
  • G-Cycle
  • Recycler's Guilt
  • Dumpster Divers
  • TechnoCrap
  • Treasured Trash
  • Stinky Gold
  • Trash Can Diaries
  • Garbage Memories
  • Dream Trash
  • Recycle Me Cycle
  • Cut The Crap Recyclers
  • Waste Ornaments
  • Crap Co.
  • Recycled Minds
  • Waste Caddie
  • LitterBugs
  • High Trash Recycling Co.
  • Lowlife Recyclers
  • Recyclable Breeders
  • Crash Bag
  • Trash Minions
  • The Wizards of Trash
  • Blue-Bin Recyclers
  • Waste Deep Peeps

Recycling Center Name Ideas

  • Riverside County Recycling Facility
  • Disposal Fuel
  • The Recycling Factory
  • No Carbon Factory
  • ReusableFuel
  • ToxicOrganic
  • IgniteRight
  • The Shield Center
  • Care Center
  • Texas Save Gas Group
  • Carbon Blocker Center
  • The Recycle Space
  • Reusable IT
  • Onsite Right
  • Towel Fuels
  • Cleanup Hub
  • Eco Blvd.
  • ZoningVining
  • Center of the Word Facility
  • No Harm Factory
  • Retail Rewind
  • Accelerate Recycling Plant
  • Carbon Centric
  • Swipe Cycle
  • Septic Clinic
  • Agrific
  • Sustainable Economy
  • Startup Center
  • Greener HQ
  • Never Wasted HQ
  • Ever Lasting Resource Center
  • Renewable Power Plant
  • GarBag
  • Utilized Resources
  • Incinerators
  • Dumpzters
  • Technologis
  • Sustainable Sources Inc.
  • By Products LLC
  • Carbonising
  • Recyclir
  • Curbside Recycling Drop Off
  • Centrace
  • Reline
  • Reimagined Resource Hub

E-Waste Company Name Ideas

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  • T-Waste
  • Techno Sweepers
  • E-Waste Steamers
  • E-Wastemen
  • Eazy-E-Waste
  • Electronic Disposal Co.
  • R-E-Cycle
  • E-Waste Managers
  • E-Team
  • E-Five
  • TechnoCampers
  • Team E
  • Plan E
  • E-Fast E-Furious
  • E-Farm
  • E-Males
  • DrE-Waste
  • The E-Group
  • Re-E-ntroduce
  • The E-Club
  • E-Club 7
  • Team E-Mage
  • E-Maginators
  • E-Survival
  • E-waste Usage
  • The m-E-a-n Team
  • The r-E-a-l Peeps
  • E-Waste Commandos
  • Wall-E's Team
  • Usable Guys
  • byE Waste Team
  • BluravE
  • GrEin Team
  • ElevatE
  • Zencharge
  • Charge Chimps
  • Alteracera
  • HumblE Guys
  • ChargeCherries
  • Charge Chips
  • Beam Heat
  • E-Hearts
  • E-Waste Nerds
  • East Giants
  • Irrelevant Rebels
  • Junk Dervish
  • Tri-City Machines
  • E-Waste Avengers
  • Gritty E-Waste Stumblers
  • Hopping Warthogs
  • New Busters
  • The Streakers
  • The Nitpickers
  • The Oracles
  • Optimistic E-Waste Pirates
  • The E-Waste Strikers
  • The E-Street Redheads
  • Southern Street Thrillers
  • The Metal Hackers
  • Spiked Sensation
  • Electric Metal Finders

Recycling Team Name Idea

nuclear waste

Start your own recycling team.

  • The R-Team
  • GreenTeam
  • The Clean Machine
  • The Redeem Team
  • Green Legs
  • Garbologists
  • Clean Workflow
  • Mountain Top Cleaners
  • Tech Plow
  • Recycle Notes
  • EnviroMates
  • Refresh Mates
  • Untrashables
  • Anti-Hoarders
  • Reuse Agents
  • The Mean Green Team
  • The Reuse Farmers
  • Earth Checkers
  • Team No Waste
  • MisProfit
  • ProfitCrush
  • RewardPilers
  • Treasure Seekers
  • Rewind Peeps
  • Thought Crowd
  • Reusablers
  • Throw No More Peeps
  • NoWaste Group
  • Reduce the Waste
  • DeWaste
  • Up Charge
  • Recycle Minds
  • Reheat Nightly
  • Infused Peeps
  • Center Pals
  • Humane People
  • The Wolf Pack
  • Lake Green Spree
  • Humble Hotshots
  • Global Metal
  • Fortunate Drug Monkeys
  • The Smoke Presidents
  • Hard Hill Dogs
  • Shivering Recyclers
  • Tag Team Cleaners
  • Grandma Cleaners
  • Irrational Recycling Peeps
  • Angry Uniform Recyclers
  • Outer Bean Titans
  • The Busters
  • Beige Savages
  • Flying Recyclers
  • Red Water Cleaners
  • Streetwise Pals
  • Recycle Maniacs
  • Helter Skelter Peeps
  • Misses Cleanup
  • Mental Mania
  • Green Span
  • Raw Sprinters

The recycling or reuse industry involves the collection, processing, and remanufacture of certain materials considered recyclables. Objects such as plastics, metal, glass, organic materials, rubber, and more recently, computers and gadgets considered as technological or e-waste are collected and reprocessed by recycling companies. You can recycle just about anything.

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Recycling is also considered not only a domestic business, but a global one. The U.S. sending much of its plastic waste to China is one example of how recycling is treated as a global industry. In fact, the global waste recycling services market is now valued at more than $53 billion.

Due to the unforeseen health crisis, revenue for the recycling facilities industries was adjusted for a 7.3% decline last year. This slowed down the global markets, but the industry is now positioned to pickup where it left off. There is light at the end of the tunnel as business and life returns to a more normal situation over the coming year.

Looking ahead the future is bright for the recycling industry as a whole. More consumers are becoming educated each year about the benefits of conserving our natural resources. Demand for these services is projected to get stronger in the coming decade.